

    陳宇昕,男,19879月生,博士後,碩士研究生導師,主要從事固廢資源綠色高值化利用以及稀土火法冶金的研究。先後承擔中國博士後科學基金,内蒙古自然科學基金,内蒙古自治區優秀博士後等項目,參加國家重點研發計劃,國家自然科學基金等項目。在Journal of Hazardous Materials (IF=14.224), Separation and Purification Technology (IF=9.136), Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering(IF=7.968)等國内外知名雜志發表學術論文15餘篇,授權國家發明專利2項。

1. 工作簡曆







2. 代表性論文

(1) Y. Chen, N. Wang, S. An, C. Cai, J. Peng, M. Xie, J. Peng, X. Song. Synthesis of novel hierarchical porous zeolitization ceramsite from industrial waste as efficient adsorbent for separation of ammonia nitrogen. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 297, 121418. (SCI一區, IF=9.136)

(2) Y. Chen, W. Xu, N. Wang, S. An, J. Peng, J. Peng, X. Song. Synthesis of hierarchical porous ceramsites loaded with GIS-P1 zeolite crystals for removal of ammonia nitrogen from aqueous solution[J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023, 11, 110221. (SCI二區,IF=7.968)

(3) Y. Chen, N. Wang, S. An, C. Cai, M. Xie, X. Song. Development of a high-performance green Fe-Al2O3 composites using Bayan Obo minerals: Enhancement effects of CeO2. Journal of Rare Earths, 2023, 41, 747-757. (SCI二區, IF=4.632)

(4) Y. Chen, S. Liu, S. Ouyang, et al. A novel method for Fe-Al2O3 composites prepared from high sulfur Bayan Obo iron concentrate: Effectively eliminate the emission of SO2[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 389, 121878. (SCI一區,IF=14.224)

(5) Y. Chen, B. Li, Y. Shi, et al. Investigation of sulfide precipitates on microstructure and properties of Fe-Al2O3 composites fabricated by carbothermal reduction of iron concentrate[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 804, 441-449. (SCI 二區,IF=6.37).

(6) Y. Chen, B. Li, Y. Shi, et al. Natural advantages of preparation of composites from minerals: Effect of bauxite addition on the microstructures and properties of Fe-Al2O3 based composites[J]. Materials, 2019, 12, 1456. (SCI 三區,IF=3.748).

(7) Y. Chen, B. Li, Y. Shi, et al. Preparation of Fe-diopside matrix composites from iron tailings and fly ash[J], IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 678, 012103. (EI).

(8) S. Liu, Y. Chen, S. Ouyang, et al. Microstructural transformation of stainless steel slag-based CAMS glass ceramics prepared by SPS[J]. Ceramics International, 2021, 47, 1284-1293. (SCI 二區,IF=3.83).

(9) S. Ouyang, Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, et al. Preparation of Glass-ceramics using chromium-containing stainless steel slag: Crystal structure and solidification of heavy metal chromium[J]. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, 1964. (SCI 三區,IF=4.011).

(10) 陳宇昕,徐文盛,王甯,安勝利,彭軍,彭繼華,宋希文. 固體廢棄物制備多級孔沸石陶粒及吸附性能研究. 功能材料,2023.

(11) 陳宇昕,徐文盛,王甯. 碳熱還原白雲鄂博礦制備高性能Fe-Al2O3複合材料研究[J]. 粉末冶金工業. 2023.

(12) 王甯,陳宇昕*,徐文勝,安勝利,彭軍,彭繼華. 新型沸石化陶粒的制備及其在氨氮廢水處理中的應用. 矽酸鹽通報,2023.

4. 科研項目

(1) 冶金固廢制備沸石基陶粒的物相演變機制及其對水中氨氮的固化機理研究,中國博士後科學基金會,負責人。

(2) 白雲鄂博尾礦基水處理用沸石陶粒的可控制備及物相演變的基礎研究,内蒙古自然科學基金面上項目,負責人。

(3) 多源固廢協同制備沸石陶粒的骨架形成機制研究,内蒙古優秀博士後項目,負責人。

(4) 白雲鄂博尾礦基水處理用沸石陶粒的制備及物相結構演變的研究,包頭市青年創新人才項目,負責人。

(5) 白雲鄂博稀土礦産資源基地固廢循環利用集成示範,國家重點研發計劃,主要參加人。

(6) 國家自然科學基金,礦渣微晶玻璃中重金屬固化及其對結構和性能影響的譜學研究,主要參加人。

5. 發明專利

(1) 一種高效除氨氮的改性鈣霞石陶粒及其制備方法202210412069.X

(2) 一種鐵精礦金屬陶瓷及其制備方法,ZL201910163688.8

5. 聯系方式


E-mail: chenyx@imust.edu.cn



