

張建旗博士,1982-1989年在北京科技大學物理化學系就學,1986和1989年分别獲得材料科學學士和碩士學位。1989-1995年在北京航空材料研究院任工程師,1992年獲航空航天部科技進步三等獎。1996年赴美國留學,在橡樹嶺國家實驗室(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)從事美國能源部“世界先進渦輪發電機”研究工作,2001年獲中央佛羅裡達大學(University of CentralFlorida)材料科學與工程學博士學位。2001-2002年,在麻省理工學院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)材料科學與工程學系與R. M. Latanision院士進行研究。2002-2004年與佛吉尼亞大學(University of Virginia)材料科學與工程學G. Zangari教授和東北大學(Northeastern University)化工系E. J. Podlaha教授開展“化學與電化學合成納米稀土合金功能材料”的研究。2004-2006年在諾貝爾化學獎得主R. E. Smalley院士實驗室與麻省理工學院化工系M. S. Strano教授和美國航天局A. Sacco教授開展“單壁碳納米管及其生化武器傳感器的研究”和“多壁碳納米管陣列高分辨技術”的研究。留美十年期間,在“先進高溫超強合金材料、腐蝕與防護、先進稀土納米功能材料、電化學技術、碳納米管高端生化功能器械、精細化學催化領域”培養博士與碩士40餘人,發表國際專著4部、國際學術論文50多篇,國際大會特邀報告40餘次,是美國自然科學基金、國際期刊和會議論文的評審專家,是國際材料研究學會、美國材料學會、國際電化學學會、美國化工學會、美國腐蝕工程師協會、國際納米技術協會會員。

2006年由萄京游戏716特别引進,任材料與冶金學院特聘教授和國際合作交流中心主任。2008年列為自治區領導聯系專家, 2012年獲得中國僑界貢獻獎-創新人才獎,是中國腐蝕與防護學會、中國稀土學會、中國顆粒學會、中國能源學會特邀理事,中國粉體工業年鑒特邀編委,國際學術論著期刊會議特邀專家和中國精品教材特邀主編。目前帶領的創新團隊由國内外知名院校和研究院的教授組成:包括美國佛吉尼亞大學、法國格裡諾布爾大學、國家鋼鐵研究總院、中科院金屬所、廣州有色研究院、兵器工業部第五二研究所、兵器工業部内蒙古第一機械制造集團,構成國際化創新團隊,主要研究領域包括解決極端自然環境下(天、空、海、陸、地)材料抵抗環境化學與機械作用的共性關鍵瓶頸問題,開展世界前沿新型稀土鋁合金非晶态先進材料、加工制造技術與現代化裝備的開發應用。












9.“熱電能源關鍵性結構材料在高溫水蒸氣中腐蝕行為的研究”,教育部歸國人員科研啟動基金,項目号:00110126, 2.5萬元,2008-2011.


11.“Emission of Patterned MWCNTArrays with High Resolution”, USA NASA, 2005-2006,$300,000.00,美國航天局基金項目

12.“Reversible Adsorption of Trace Explosive Residues on SWCNT SensorArrays”, USADARPA-MTO, Dupont Young Investigator Award,NSF-NIRT CCF No.:05-06660,2004-2005,$300.000.00,美國國防部基金項目-杜邦集團基金項目-國家自然科學創新基金項目

13.“Electrodeposition of multilayered thinfilms and nanowires with high GMR”, USANSF-NIRT program CTS No.: 0210832,2002-2004,$1,200,000.00,美國自然科學創新基金項目

14.“Synthesisof CoSm Magnetic Nanoparticles by Electrochemical and Chemical Techniques”, USADOD-DARPAARO No.: DAAD19-03-1-0038,2001-2003,$200,000.00,美國國防部基金項目

15.“Corrosion Phenomena of Potential Constructional Materialsfor SCWO System Fabrication”, USA DOD-Navy, 2001-2002,$200,000.00,美國國防部基金項目-海軍基金項目

16.“Non-Destructive Evaluation of Thermal Barrier Coatings byElectrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy”, USA DOE-AGTSR subcontract No.: 98-01-SR067,1998-2000,$200,000.00,美國能源部基金項目


1. 2012年中國僑界貢獻獎-創新人才獎,中華全國歸國華僑聯合會, 2012年8月10日,人民大會堂北京.

2. 2008年 内蒙古自治區領導聯系專家.

3. 1998年Florida Outstanding Engineering Exhibition,Florida, USA.

4. 1994年 航空航天部科技進步三等獎.



5.“Materials Corrosion and Protection”, DEGRUYTER / Shanghai Jiaotong University Press, ISBN: 978-3-11-030987-4, 2018.

6.“Engineering and Applied Science”, anProceedings of the Joint Symposium,Inner MongoliaUniversity of Science and Technology - National University of Mongolia, April1-3, 2018, Baotou, P. R. China, 2018.

7.“現代材料腐蝕與防護”,特邀主編,國家和國際出版精品教材,上海交通大學出版社,書号:ISBN 978-7-313-08277-0, 2012.

8.“AdvancedSolid Oxide Fuel Cells”in the“Doped Lanthanum Gallate Electrolyte Materials”Edited by Wang Fengyun, Transworld Research Network, 2012.

9.“ElectrochemicalDeposition of Nanostructured Metals”,ChapterXVI of“Nanomaterials Handbook”,Edited by Yury Gogotsi, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2004.

10.“Non-DestructiveEvaluation of Thermal Barrier Coatings by Electrochemical ImpedanceSpectroscopy”, Bell & Howell Information &Learning, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 2002.


11.“Development of amorphous AlCeTmalloys for space industry”,Invited Report,

Proceedings of the Joint Symposium onEngineering and Applied Science, Baotou,

China, April 1-3, 2018.

12.“Mechanistic study on oxygenstorage behavior vs.lattice defect of fluorite-structured

catalysts RexZr1-xO2-y(Re=Ce, Pr and Tb)”,InvitedReport,Proceedings ofthe Joint Symposium on Engineering and Applied Science, Baotou, China, April1-3, 2018.

13.“Development ofAlCeTm Amorphous Coatings for Metals Protection”,Invited

Report, 8th China-BaotouInternational Rare Earths Forum, Baotou, P R China, August 7-9, 2016.

14.“Development of AlCeTmAmorphous Alloys”,Invited Report, 2016 National

Congress forHigh Temperature Corrosion and Protection, Huhehot, P R China, July 26-29,2016.

18.“Oxygen Mobility, Storage and RedoxProperties of Nanoparticulate LnZrYO2(Ln=Ce, Pr and Tb) Solid Solutions”,第二十一屆全國稀土催化學術會議,沈陽,2016年9月9-11日.

19.“Development of AlCeTm AmorphousCoatings for Metals Protection”,第八屆中國包頭·稀土産業國際論壇暨2016稀土新材料與應用産品國際展覽會,包頭,2016年8月7-9日.

20.“Development of Amorphous AlReTm Alloys”,2016年全國高溫腐蝕與防護研讨會,呼和浩特,2016年7月26 - 29日.

21.“Design and Protection ofAluminum Rare Earth Amorphous Coatings for Extreme Environments”, Invited Report and Session Chair, theFirst International Symposium on Development of Rare Earths, Baotou, P R China,July 15-20, 2014.

22.“A Mechanistic Study on the Oxygen Storage, Mobility and RedoxProperties of Fluorite-Structured Catalysts”,Invited Report andSession Chair,8thInternational Conference on Rare Earth Development and Application,Ganzhou, Jiangxi,P RChina, August10-13,2013.

23.“Advanced Three Way Catalysts”,Invited Report and Chair,2013 China-France Advanced AcademicWorkshop, Baotou,P RChina,August 20-30, 2013.

24.“Electrochemical Study of Amorphous Rare Earth Based Aluminum Alloys”the 3rdInternational Slag Valorization Symposium,Leuven, Belgium, March 19-20, 2013.

25.“Protection of AlReTm Amorphous Coatings”, Invited Report,全國耐蝕金屬材料第十三屆學術年會,九江,江西,中國,2014年10月17-21日.

26.“Development and Application ofAdvanced Amorphous AlRETM alloys”, Invited Report,全國高溫腐蝕與防護學術會議,西安,陝西,中國,2012年8月17-20日.

27.“Oxygen Storage Capacities of Fluorite -StructuredRe1-XZrXO2-dThree Way Catalysts (Re =Ce, Pr, and Tb)”Invited Report,6thInternational Conference on Rare Earth Development and Application, Beijing,China, August 2-6, 2010.

28.“Ni-Based Alloys in Water Vapor and Impedance of Thermal BarrierCoatings”,Invited Report,NationalCongress for High Temperature Corrosion and Protection, Baotou, China, August16-19, 2010.

29.“Impedance Behavior of Thermal Barrier Coatings”, 5thChina-Korea Conf. Adv. Iron/Steel Tech. InvitedSpeech and Session Chair, Baotou, China, August 16-19, 2009.

30.“Critical Issues on the International Development of Corrosion Eng.& Protection Tech.”, Invited Speech,全國耐蝕金屬材料第十一屆學術年會會議, 2008年7月22-26日.

31.“Oxygen Mobility, Storage & Redox of Nanoparticulate LnZrYO2Solid Solutions”, Invited Speech, 5thInternConf on Rare Earth Development & Application, Baotou, China, August 7-11,2007.

32.“Solving the regeneration problem for carbon nanotube based chemicalweapons detectors”, 2005 AlChEAnnual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, October 30-November4, 2005.

33.“CoNi/CuMultilayers by Electrochemical Deposition”, 205thMeeting of the Electrochemical Society, San Antonio, Texas, USA, May 5-14,2004.

34.“ElectrodepositedGMR Multilayer Thin Films, Nanowires and Micro-posts”,2003 MRS Fall Meeting,Boston, Massachusetts, USA, December 1-5, 2003.

35.“Co-Sm Nanoparticles by Chemical Synthesis”,DARPA MetaMaterials Annual Team Review“Exchange-coupled Nanocomposite Magnets”, University of Texas,Arlington, Texas, USA, December 10-12, 2002.

36.“Evaluation of TBC Using ElectrochemicalImpedance Spectroscopy”, 25thAnnualInternational Conf, Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Cocoa Beach, Florida,USA, January 21-26, 2001.

37.“Non-Destructive Evaluation of TBC byElectrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy”, Oak RidgeNational Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA, March 10, 2000.


38.Junhai Zheng, August Chang,XiaominZhao, Zhengguang Wang, Jianlin Gao,

Shumei Li,Tian Zhang, Tao Li, Le Liu, DanchenFeng, Xuemei Wang, Yinfeng Zhao, Peigang Han, Hong He, Yongchang Huang, JianqiZhang,“CharacterizationandOxygenStorage/ReleasePropertiesofNanoparticlesPr1-xZrxO2-δ”, Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on Engineering and AppliedScience, pp. 33-39, Baotou, China, April 1-3, 2018.

39.Tao Li,Tian Zhang, LeLiu, August Chang,Jianlin Gao,Jinrong Jia,Jian We,

Shumei Li,Suzhen Gao,JunhaiZheng, Xiaomin Zhao, Zhengguang Wang,Xuemei Wang,Yinfeng Zhao, Dianchen Feng, Peigang Han,Hong He, Yongchang Huang,Jianqi Zhang,“HighTemperature Nitridation and Corrosion Behavior of Amorphous Al88Ce8Fe4Alloy”, Proceedings of the Joint Symposium onEngineering and Applied Science, pp. 40-44, Baotou, China, April 1-3, 2018.

40.Jinrong Jia, August Chang,Jianlin Gao,TianZhang, Le Liu,Tao Li,Jian We,

Shumei Li,Suzhen Gao,JunhaiZheng,Xiaomin Zhao, Zhengguang Wang,XuemeiWang, Yinfeng Zhao, Dianchen Feng, Peigang Han,Hong He, YongchangHuang,Jianqi Zhang,“Oxidationand Corrosion of Amorphous AlCeFe Alloy”, Proceedings of the Joint Symposium onEngineering and Applied Science, pp. 45-50, Baotou, China, April 1-3, 2018.

41.Tian Zhang,Jinrong Jia,August Chang,JianlinGao,Le Liu,Tao Li,ianWe,

Shumei Li,Suzhen Gao,JunhaiZheng,Xiaomin Zhao, Zhengguang Wang,XuemeiWang, Yinfeng Zhao, Dianchen Feng, Peigang Han,Hong He, YongchangHuang,Jianqi Zhang,“HighTemperature Oxidation of Al88Ce8Fe4Glass at 6300C”,Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on Engineeringand Applied Science, pp. 51-58, Baotou, China, April 1-3, 2018.

42.Junhai Zheng, August Chang, Xiaomin Zhao,Zhengguang Wang, Shumei Li,

Peigang Han, Hong He, Jianqi Zhang, OxygenStorage, Transport and Thermal Durability of Fluorite Structured NanoparticlesPr1-xZrxO2-δ,Proceedings ofthe 21st National Rare Earth Based Catalysis Conference, Shenyang,Liaoning, P R China, September 9-12, 2016.

43. Jinrong Jia, AugustChang, Shumei Li, Caixia Zhang, Suzhen Gao, Jian We, Jinshan Ma, Tian Zhang, LeLiu, Xuemei Wang, Yinfeng Zhao, Dianchen Feng, Jianguo Zhi, Peigang Han, JianqiZhang,Oxidation, Mechanical and Corrosion Behavior of Al88Ce8Fe4Amorphous Alloy at 5500C,Proceedings ofthe 8th China-BaotouInternational Rare Earths Industry Forum, pp 390-395, Baotou, P R China, August 7-9,2016.

44.Jinrong Jia, August Chang,Suzhen Gao, Jian We, Caixia Zhang, Shumei Li, Tian Zhang, Le Liu, Xuemei Wang,Yinfeng Zhao, Dianchen Feng, Jianguo Zhi, Peigang Han, Jianqi Zhang,High TemperatureOxidation and Corrosion Resistance of Al88Ce8Fe4Amorphous alloy at 6300C,Proceedings ofthe 8th China-BaotouInternational Rare Earths Industry Forum, pp 384-389, Baotou, P R China, August7-9, 2016.

45. Jian We, August Chang,Jinrong Jia, Caixia Zhang, Shumei Li, Jingshan Ma, Suzhen Gao, Tian Zhang, LeLiu, Xuemei Wang, Yinfeng Zhao, Dianchen Feng, Jianguo Zhi, Peigang Han, JianqiZhang, Effect of Ball-milling on Gas Atomized Al88Ce8Fe4Powders, Proceedings ofthe 8th China-Baotou International Rare Earths Industry Forum, pp376-383, Baotou, P R China, August 7-9, 2016.

46.Jian We, August Chang,Suzhen Gao, Jinrong Jia, Caixia Zhang, Shumei Li, Jingshan Ma, Tian Zhang, LeLiu, Xuemei Wang, Yinfeng Zhao, Dianchen Feng, Jianguo Zhi, Peigang Han, JianqiZhang, Characterization of Gas Atomized Al88Ce8Fe4Powders with Ball-milling, Proceedings ofthe 8th China-Baotou InternationalRare Earths Industry Forum, pp 368-375, Baotou, P R China, August 7-9, 2016.

47.Shumei Li, Jianjun Yang, WeidongZhang, August Chang, Caixia Zhang, Yongzhan Gao, Mingliang Wu, Xuefeng Wu,Minxia Li, Jianqi Zhang, Analysis of an Axle Failure under Torsional Load,Materials Science Forum, ISSN: 1662-9760, Vol. 850, pp 101-106 doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.850.101©2016 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.

48.“Crystallization and corrosion behavior of AlCeTMamorphous alloys, Science Foundation in China, Vol. 22, Supp., (2014) 93-96.

49.“Glass forming ability and thermal stability ofamorphous AlCeTM alloys”, Science Foundation in China,Vol. 22, Supp., (2014) 97-101.

50.“Electrochemical behavior of AlCeTM amorphousalloys in 0.6 M NaCl aqueous solution”, ScienceFoundation in China, Vol. 22, Supp., (2014) 102-106.

51.“Electrochemical behavior of rare earth basedaluminium alloys, the 3rdInternational Slag Valorisation Symposium,Leuven, Belgium, March 19-20 (2013) 99-102.

52.“Charge transfer from metallic singlewalled carbon nanotube sensor arrays”, The Journal ofPhysical Chemistry B, 110 (2006) 11055-11061.

53.“Evaluation of Thickness, Porosity and Pore Shapeof Plasma Sprayed TBC by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 190 (1) (2005) 98-109.

54.“Determining Thermal Conductivity of Plasma SprayedTBC by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy”, Surfaceand Coatings Technology, 190 (1) (2005) 90-97.

55.“Electrochemical Inspection of Electrodeposited GMRCoNiCu/Cu Multilayer Films”,The Journal of TheElectrochemical Society, 152 (9) (2005) C616-C620.

56.“Electrodeposition of Sm-Co Nanoparticles fromAqueous Solutions”,Journal of Magnetism andMagnetic Materials,283 (1) (2004) 89-94.

57.“Electrochemical Deposition ofNanostructured Metals”,Chapter XVI of“Nanomaterials Handbook”, Edited by YuryGogotsi, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2004.

58.“An Examination ofthe Corrosion Phenomena of Potential Constructional Materials for SCWO SystemFabrication”, NACE Conference International, Paper No02353, Texas, February 2002.

59."Oxidationand Hot Corrosion Behavior of Some Land Based Gas Turbine Superalloys in SteamEnvironment", NACE Conference International,Paper No. 98200, San Diego,California, March 1998.

60.“Oxygen Storage Capacity of Nanocrystalline Pr1-XZrXO2-dThree Way Catalysts”,Invited Report,6thInternationalConference on Environmental Catalysis, Beijing, China, September 12-15, 2010.

61.“Oxygen Storage Capacity of Nanocrystalline Tb1-XZrXO2-dThree Way Catalysts Synthesized by UltrasoundAssisting Precipitation”,Invited Report,2010年中國顆粒學會第七屆學術年會暨海峽兩岸顆粒技術研讨會,西安,陝西,中國, 2010年8月15-18日.

62.“Novel Three-Way Catalysts Based on LnxZr1-xO2-d(Ln=Pr,Tb)”,Invited Speech,第六屆海峽倆岸超微顆粒會議,包頭,内蒙古,中國,2009年8月15-18日.

63.“Investigation on the Electrical Conduction of Nanoparticulate Ln1-X-YZrYYXO2”, 3rdChina-Japan Catalysis and Eco-Materials, Beijing,China, October 11-12, 2007.

64.“Correlation Electrical Conductivity and Lattice Defects of Ln1-X-YZrYYXO2”,全國粉體工業技術大會,上海,中國,2007年10月23-25日.

65.“ElectrodepositedCoNi/Cu Multilayers and Nanowires”,GordonResearch Conferences in Electrodeposition, Colby-Sawyer College, New London,New Hampshire, USA, August 8-13, 2004.

66.“Electrodepositionof iron-group multilayer thin films and nanowires”,206th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society/2004 Fall Meeting of theElectrochemical Society of Japan, MA 2004-02.

67.“High Coercivity Co-Sm Nanoparticles by Pulsed Electrodeposition”, DARPA MetaMaterials Annual Team Review“Exchange-coupled Nanocomposite Magnets”, University ofTexas, Arlington, Texas, USA, December 10-12, 2002.

68."Quality Assurance Evaluationof Thermal Barrier Coatings by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy ", MRS2000 Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Nov 27-Dec 1, 2000.

69. "Post-Exposure Evaluation ofThermal Barrier Coatings by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy", MRS2000 Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, November 27-December 1, 2000.

70.“Electrochemical Behavior of Lap-Welded 304LStainless Steel in Aqueous Solutions”,第六屆海峽倆岸超微顆粒會議集, 2009.

71.“NDE of TBC by ElectrochemicalImpedance Spectroscopy”, P. 10, Proceedings of theDOE-ATS Annual Program Review, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 8-10, 1999.

72.“Electrochemical Behavior ofButt-Welded 304 Stainless Steel in Aqueous Solutions”,5thChina-Korea Conf. Adv. Iron/Steel Tech. ,2009.

73."Influence of Steam Cooling on Hot Corrosion",P. 12, Proceedings of theAdvanced Turbine Systems Annual Program Review Meeting,FETC, DOE,Morgantown, West Virginia, USA, October 28-29, 1997.

74. "Compatibility of Gas Turbine Materials with SteamCooling", Proceedings of the ATS Annual Program Review Meeting, US DOE,Washington D. C. pp. 291 - 314, November 7-8, 1996.


75.張建旗 劉皓 李素梅 馬建平 高素臻 李金楠 賈柱 樊夏漪 賈金容 馮佃臣 趙引峰 王雪梅 一種制備非晶态鋁基合金多功能防護鍍層的方法,申請号:申請日20150907,公開号:CN 105112905A,公開日:20151202.

76.張建旗 劉皓 李素梅 馬建平 高素臻 李金楠 賈柱 樊夏漪 賈金容 馮佃臣 趙引峰 王雪梅 一種制備鋁基合金粉體材料的方法,國家發明專利号:ZL2015 1 0572188.1

77.張建旗 馮佃臣 趙曉敏 鄭君海 新型三元催化納米重稀土儲氧材料及其制備方法,國家發明專利号:ZL2014 1 0037704.6

78.張建旗 史鵬忠 那娜 李文文趙引峰 馮佃臣王雪梅一種Al-Ce-ETM鋁基非晶合金及其制備方法,申請号201410808431.0.國家知識産權局.

79.張建旗 史鵬忠 那娜 李文文趙引峰 馮佃臣王雪梅一種Al-RE-LTM鋁基非晶合金及其制備方法,申請号201410808402.4.國家知識産權局.


80.Joint Symposium onEngineering and Applied Science,Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology - National University ofMongolia, 2018.


82.the First InternationalSymposium on Development of Rare Earths, Baotou, P R China, July 15-20, 2014.

83.2013China-France Advanced Academic Workshop, Baotou,P RChina, August 20-30, 2013.

84.NationalCongress for High Temperature Corrosion and Protection, Baotou, China, August16-19, 2010.

85.5thChina-Korea Conf. Adv. Iron/Steel Tech. Invited Speech and Session Chair,Baotou, China, August 16-19, 2009.


87.第六屆海峽兩岸超微顆粒學術研讨會,Mainland-TaiwanNanoparticulate Conference, Baotou, China, August 15-18, 2009.


