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王志剛男,漢族,1987年9月生,中國共産黨黨員,内蒙古烏蘭察布市人,工學博士,講師,碩士研究生導師,内蒙古“青年科技英才支持計劃”入選者,現就職于萄京游戏716材料與冶金學院,主要從事先進熱障塗層/高強韌結構陶瓷材料設計與應用研究;主持國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目、内蒙古自治區自然科學基金項目、其他橫向課題和人才類項目等7項;在國際權威雜志Appl Surf Sci, J Am Ceram Soc,J Eur Ceram Soc和Ceram Int等發表SCI論文20餘篇,獲得授權國家發明專利5項,主講本科專業必修課程《矽酸鹽工業熱工過程與設備》,本科專業選修課《結構陶瓷》等。

1. 工作簡曆

2008.09—2012.07 内蒙古工業大學,萄京游戏716,獲工學學士學位

2012.09—2015.01 内蒙古工業大學,萄京游戏716,獲工學碩士學位

2015.03—2019.10 哈爾濱工業大學,萄京游戏716,獲工學博士學位

2020.05—至今 萄京游戏716材料與冶金學院無機非金屬材料系從事教學與科研工作

2. 主要任職



Applied Surface Science

Ceramics International

Journal of Advanced Ceramics

Surface & Coatings Technology

International Journal of Ceramic Engineering and Science

3. 研究領域

(1) 先進熱障塗層/結構陶瓷材料制備科學與技術

(2) EB-PVD熱障塗層陶瓷靶材制備關鍵技術與産業化

(3) 高性能共晶陶瓷材料凝固過程基本原理與技術研究

(4) 功能塗層和薄膜制備技術與可靠性評估

(5) 極端服役環境下陶瓷材料性能與服役行為檢測與表征

4. 科研項目

(1) 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目. 超聲振動輔助激光表面熔凝Al2O3-YSZ梯度納米共晶層的微觀組織形成與調控機理(52204316),30萬,2023/1-2025/12.(主持)

(2) 内蒙古自治區高等學校“青年科技英才支持計劃”項目. 高溫高濕環境熱障塗層陶瓷材料的抗腐蝕機理與相變研究(NJYT23006),30萬,2023/01-2025/12.(主持)

(3) 北京航空材料研究院橫向課題項目. 耐特種服役環境腐蝕熱障塗層材料研制與靶材制備(2021-05-2121-WX),50萬元,2021/01-2022/01.(主持) 

(4) 内蒙古自治區本級事業單位引進人才科研啟動項目. 抗高溫燒結與晶粒生長氧化鋁基納米共晶熱障塗層材料設計與機理研究,20萬元,2021-2023.(主持)

(5) 内蒙古自治區自然科學基金博士基金項目. 超聲激勵下激光表面熔凝Al2O3/YSZ納米共晶層的胞晶生長行為與主動調控機理(2021BS05007),10萬元,2021/01-2023/12.(主持)

(6) 内蒙古自治區直屬高校基本科研業務費項目. 超低熱導熱障塗層材料設計與制備關鍵技術,3萬元,2022/09-2024/08.(主持)

(7) 萄京游戏716創新基金項目. 長壽命氧化锆基熱障塗層材料設計與應用技術,5萬元,2022/06-2025/06.(主持)

5. 代表性論著

[1] Z.G. Wang, Y.Z. Zhang, J.H. Ouyang*, X.W. Song, Y.M. Wang, Y.J. Wang. Nanocrystalline alumina-based eutectic ceramics: principle, solidification techniques, microstructure and properties, Materials, XX (2023) XX-XX. (SCI)(Review)(In Press)

[2] J. Zhang, Z.G. Wang, X.W. Song*, M. Xie, Y.H. Zhang, R.D. Mu, S.L. An. Tailoring the Thermal Conductivity of Sc2O3-Yb2O3 Co-Stabilized ZrO2 Thermal Barrier Materials and Mechanism Insight, Ceramics International, 16 (2023) 23510–23517. (SCI)(In Press)

[3] L.Y. Xie,Z.G. Wang*,Y.Z. Zhang,Y.H. Ma,Z.Y. Ding,J.H. Ouyang*,Z.G. Liu,Y.J. Wang,Y.M. Wang. Microstructural refinement and mechanical response of Al2O3-ZrO2 eutectics fabricated by a novel pulse discharge plasma assisted melting method, Ceramics International, 16 (2022) 23510–23517. (SCI)

[4] Y.Z. Zhang, Z.G. Wang*, L.Y. Xie, Z.Y. Ding, Y.H. Ma, J.H. Ouyang*, Z.G. Liu, Y.J. Wang, Y.M. Wang, Laser surface nano crystallization of oxide ceramics with eutectic composition: a comprehensive review, Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering, 03 (2021) 37–54. (SCI)(Review)

[5] Y.H. Zhang, M. Xie, Z.G. Wang, R.D. Mu, X.W. Song, Y.B. Yu, J.X. Bao, F. Zhou, W. Pan, Marked reduction in the thermal conductivity of (La0.2Gd0.2Y0.2Yb0.2Er0.2)2Zr2O7 high-entropy ceramics by substituting Zr4+ with Ti4+. Ceramics International, 48 (2022) 9602-9609. (SCI)

[6] Y.H. Wang, Y.J. Jin, T. Wei, Z.G. Wang, G. Cao, Z.Y. Ding, Z.G. Liu, J.H. Ouyang, Y.J. Wang, Y.M. Wang, Size Disorder: A Descriptor for Predicting the Single- or Dual-Phase Formation in Multi-Component Rare Earth Zirconates. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 918 (2022) 165636. (SCI)

[7] Z.G. Wang, J.H. Ouyang, Y.H. Ma, Y.J. Wang, Z.G. Liu, L.Y. Xie, D.S. Sun, Y.M. Wang, Formation mechanism of a wrinkled and textured Al2O3-ZrO2 nanoeutectic rapidly solidified from oxy-acetylene flame remelting, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102 (2019) 63-69. (SCI)

[8] Z.G. Wang, J.H. Ouyang, Y. H. Ma, Y. J. Wang, Z. G. Liu, A. Henniche, L. Y. Xie, Insights into microstructural formation of pulse plasma semisolid to liquid processing of Al2O3-ZrO2 eutectic ceramics, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 101 (2018) 3773-3779. (SCI)

[9] Z.G. Wang, J.H. Ouyang, Y.H. Ma, Y.J. Wang, L.Y. Xie, A. Hennichea, Z.G. Liu, Enhanced nucleation undercooling and surface self-nanocrystallization of Al2O3-ZrO2(Y2O3) eutectic ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 39 (2019) 1707-1711. (SCI)

[10] Z.G. Wang, Y.H. Ma, J.H. Ouyang, Z.G. Liu, Y.J. Wang, Y.H. Cheng, In situ fabrication and microstructural evolution of Al2O3-ZrO2 nanoeutectic ceramics by a novel pulse discharge plasma assisted melting method, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 38 (2018) 4155-4160. (SCI)

[11] Z.G. Wang, J.H. Ouyang, Y.J. Wang, L.Y. Xie, Y.H. Ma, Z.G. Liu, A. Henniche, Y.M. Wang, “Microstructural Characterization of Nanostructured Al2O3-ZrO2 Eutectic Layer by Laser Rapid Solidification Method”, Applied Surface Science, 476 (2019) 335-341. (SCI)

[12] Z.G. Wang, J.H. Ouyang, Y.J. Wang, Z.G. Liu, Y.H. Ma, L.Y. Xie, Nucleation and epitaxial growth of highly textured Al2O3-ZrO2 nanoeutectic rapidly solidified from oxyacetylene flame remelting, Ceramics International, 44 (2018) 22027-22031. (SCI)

[13] Z.G. Wang, J.H. Ouyang, Y.H. Ma, Y.J. Wang, A. Henniche, L.Y. Xie, Z.G. Liu, Grain size dependence, mechanical properties and surface nanoeutectic modification of Al2O3-ZrO2 ceramic, Ceramics International, 45 (2019) 14297-14304. (SCI)

[14] Y.H. Ma, Z.G. Wang, J.H. Ouyang, S.J. Dillon, L. Feng, Y.J. Wang. In-situ microcantilever deflection to evaluate the interfacial fracture properties of binary Al2O3/SmAlO3 eutectic, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 39 (2019) 3277-3282. (SCI)

[15] Y.H. Ma, Z.G. Wang, J.H. Ouyang, S.J. Dillon, A. Henniche, Y.H. Wang, Y.J. Wang. Microstructural toughening mechanisms in nanostructured Al2O3/GdAlO3 eutectic composite studied using in situ microscale fracture experiments, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 40 (2020) 3148–3157. (SCI)

[16] Z.G. Wang, W.D. Chen, S.F. Yan, X.J. Fan, Z.G. Xu, Characterization of ZrO2 ceramic coatings on ZrH1.8 prepared in different electrolytes by micro-arc oxidation, Rare Metals, (2015). (SCI)

[17] Z.G. Wang, W.D. Chen, S.F. Yan, X.J. Fan, F. Guo, Z.G. Xu, Optimization of electrical parameters for micro-arc oxidation of zirconium hydride alloy, Rare Metals, (2015). (SCI)

[18] 王志剛, 陳偉東, 闫淑芳, 範秀娟. 恒壓模式下頻率對ZrH1.8表面微弧氧化陶瓷層的影響. 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2016, 44(01): 184-188. (SCI)

[19] 王志剛, 陳偉東, 闫淑芳, 範秀娟, 徐志高. Na5P3O10體系氫化锆表面微弧氧陶瓷層組織與阻氫性能的研究. 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2015, 44(11): 2877-2881. (SCI)

[20] 王志剛, 陳偉東, 闫淑芳, 範秀娟, 徐志高. Na2SiO3溶液體系ZrH1.8表面微弧氧化陶瓷層的研究. 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2015(3): 718-722. (SCI)

[21] Y.H. Ma, J.H. Ouyang, Z.G. Wang, A. Henniche, Y.H. Wang, Y.J. Wang, Z.G. Liu. Insights into Intragranular Precipitation and Strengthening Effect in Al2O3/SmAlO3 Ceramic With Eutectic Composition. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 754 (2019) 382–389. (SCI)

[22] A. Henniche, J.H. Ouyang, Z.G. Liu, Y.H. Ma, Z.G. Wang, Y. J. Wang, M. Derradji. Effect of SiC Addition on Mechanical Properties of Hot-Pressed Al2O3-GdAlO3 Ceramics with Eutectic Composition. Ceramics International, 44 (2018) 9585–9592.

[23] A. Henniche, J.H. Ouyang, Y.H. Ma, Z.G. Wang, Y.J. Wang, Z.G. Liu. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ceramics Obtained from Chemically Co-Precipitated Al2O3-GdAlO3 Nano-Powders with Eutectic Composition. Ceramics International, 43 (2017) 6996–7001. (SCI)

[24] A. Henniche, J.H. Ouyang, Y.H. Ma, Z.G. Wang, Z.G. Liu, Y.J. Wang, M. Derradji, X.Y. Liu. Microstructure, Mechanical and Thermo-Physical Properties of Hot-Pressed Al2O3-GdAlO3-ZrO2 Ceramics with Eutectic Composition. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 27(2017) 491–497. (SCI)

[25] J.H. Ouyang, Y.H. Ma, A. Henniche, B. Wang, Z.G.Wang, Y. J. Wang. Synthesis, Densification and Characterization of Nanosized Oxide Ceramic Powders with Eutectic Compositions by Heating of Alcohol-Aqueous Salt Solutions. Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology, 8 (2017) 81–90. (SCI)

6. 授權專利

[1] 王志剛, 宋希文, 謝敏. 一種锆酸鹽陶瓷材料及其制備方法和應用: 中國. ZL202210857096.8[P].(受理)

[2] 宋希文, 王志剛, 謝敏. 一種陶瓷靶材及其制備方法和應用: 中國. ZL202210857133.5[P].(受理)

[3] 歐陽家虎, 王志剛, 王玉金, 馬永輝, 劉占國. 一種高能氧乙炔火焰束流改性氧化鋁基陶瓷大尺寸構件表面局部納米共晶強韌化的方法: 中國. ZL201711011639.X[P].

[4] 歐陽家虎, 王志剛, 王玉金, 王亞明, 劉占國. 一種脈沖放電等離子體輔助熔凝處理制備氧化鋁基三元共晶自生複合陶瓷的方法: 中國. ZL201510890849.5[P].

[5] 歐陽家虎, 王志剛, 王玉金, 王亞明, 劉占國. 一種脈沖放電等離子體輔助熔凝處理制備氧化鋁基二元共晶自生複合陶瓷的方法: 中國. ZL201510890832.X[P].

[6] 陳偉東, 闫淑芳, 劉向東, 王志剛, 範秀娟, 張亞增, 闫國慶, 車廣東. 一種氫化锆表面阻氫塗層的制備方法: 中國. ZL201310431696.9[P].

[7] 陳偉東, 闫淑芳, 闫國慶, 劉向東, 王志剛, 範秀娟, 張亞增, 車廣東. 一種氫化锆表面防護方法: 中國. ZL201310432142.0[P].

7. 獎勵與榮譽

[1] 2022年入選内蒙古自治區高等學校“青年科技英才支持計劃”

[2] 2018年度個人“工業和信息化部創新創業獎學金”二等獎 (授予單位:中華人民共和國工業和信息化部)

[3] Young Author Award (Oral presentation): The 25th Congress of International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (25th IFHTSE)

8. 聯系方式


E-mail: wangzhigang@imust.edu.cn

Researcher ID:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zhi_Gang_Wang6 
