胡鋒老師的主要研究領域為:稀土鎂基儲氫合金微觀結構及儲氫性能基礎研究。承擔萄京游戏716創新基金項目1項。參與國家自然科學基金項目4項、内蒙古自然科學基金項目4項,獲内蒙古自然科學三等獎1項,參與申請多項國家發明專利。目前在國内外相關期刊International journal of material research、Journal of MaterialsResearch、MaterialScience and Technology、Journal of inorganic materials、Applied Surface Science、Journal of MaterialsEngineering and Performance、Rare Metal Materials and Engineering、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Advances in EngineeringResearch以及功能材料上發表學術論文10餘篇,全部被SCI、EI收錄。
(1) Feng Hu, Yong-Zhi Li, Jian-Yi Xu, Guo-Fang Zhang, Yang-HuanZhang. Studying of electrochemical discharging and kinetic properties of Ni-TiF3-CeMg12composite materials with nanocrystalline and amorphous structure. AppliedSurface Science, 447 (2018) 15-21.
(2) Feng Hu, Yongzhi Li, Jianyi Xu, Yanghuan Zhang. Microstructureand electrochemical performance of CeMg12/Ni/TiF3composites for hydrogen storage. Journal of Materials Engineering andPerformance, 2018, Accepted.
(3) Hu, Feng, Deng, Lei-Bo, Ma, Qiang. Microstructure andElectrochemical Hydrogen Storage Properties of Ball-milled MgxNi100-x+5wt%TiF3(x=50,60, 70) Composite. Advances in Engineering Research, 103 (2016) 239-244.
(4) Hu Feng, Zhang Yanghuan, Zhang Yin, Xu Jianyi, Cai Ying, DengLeibo, An investigation of the microstructure and hydrogenation/dehydrogenation properties of ball-milled CeMg12alloys with Nipowders, International journal of material research, 104 (2013)1-5.
(5) Feng Hu, Yanghuan Zhang, Yin Zhang, Ying Cai, Jianyi Xu,Zhonghui Hou, Electrochemical and kinetic study of as-cast and as-quench Mg2Ni-typehydrogen storage alloys, Journal of Materials Research, 28(19) (2013)2071-2078.
(6) F. Hu, Y. H. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Chai, Z. P. Dong, Effect ofball milling time on microstructure and electrochemical properties of CeMg12+100%Nihydrogen storage alloy, Material Science and Technology, 29(1) (2013) 121-128.
(7)胡鋒,張羊換,張胤,侯忠輝,董忠平,鄧磊波,球磨CeMg12+100wt.%Ni+Ywt.%TiF3(Y=0, 3, 5)合金微觀結構及電化學儲氫性能,無機材料學報,28(2) (2013) 217-223.
(8)胡鋒,張羊換,雍輝,趙棟梁,王新林.機械合金化過程中各種因素對儲氫合金結構和性能的影響.功能材料,42(6) (2011) 971-975.
(9)胡鋒,張羊換,張胤,蔡穎,侯忠輝,張國芳,李霞,球磨CeMg12+100%Ni合金熱力學及電化學貯氫性能.功能材料, 43(17)(2012) 2319-2322.
(10) Yang-huan Zhang, Feng Hu, Zhi-gang Li, Ke Lü, Shi-hai Guo,Xin-lin Wang, Hydrogen storage characteristics of nanocrystalline and amorphousMg2Ni-type alloys prepared by melt spinning, Journal of Alloys andCompounds, 509(2) (2011) 294-300.
(11) Zhang Yanghuan, Hu Feng, Liu Zhuocheng, Investigation ofelectrochemical hydrogen storage kinetics of melt spun nanocrystalline andamorphous Mg2Ni-type alloy, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 41(4)(2012) 565-569.
(12)雍輝,胡鋒,張羊換,趙棟梁,王新林,鑄态La0.75Mg0.25Ni3.3Co0.2Six(x= 0-0.2),功能材料,42(6) (2011) 1104-1107
(13)張羊換,李志剛,呂科,胡鋒.熔體快淬對納米晶和非晶Mg2Ni型合金貯氫動力學性能的影響.功能材料,42(5) (2011) 897-902
(14)雍輝,張羊換,趙棟梁,李志剛,胡鋒,王新林,Si元素添加對La-Mg-Ni系合金貯氫性能的影響,金屬功能材料,18(2) (2011)10-14
(1)内蒙古自然科學三等獎,第三完成人, 2017年.