主要研究領域為金屬結構材料的安全服役評價(摩擦磨損、應力腐蝕和疲勞)、表面防護和焊接。先後參與了國家自然科學基金面上項目以及4項企業橫向課題的研究。目前在Corrosion Science, Tribology International, Journal of Nuclear Materials等期刊發表7篇SCI論文。
[1] 國家自然科學基金面上項目(52275173);
[2] 中國核動力研究設計院《高溫高壓環境下傳熱管的微動損傷壽命預測模型》;
[3] 北京航空材料研究院《4種鋁合金靜力性能的熱暴露影響》;
[4] 蘇州熱工研究院《核電廠高參數閥門硬質合金密封面失效機理與強化技術》;
[1] Bian W W, Hong C, Kang L Z, et al. Effect of the cycle number on fretting wear behavior of Alloy 690TT tube in high temperature pressurized water [J]. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2022, 567, 153828. (SCI, 1區TOP)
[2] Bian W W, Lu Y H, Kang L Z, et al. Sequence and mechanism of early microstructure evolution in Alloy 690TT subjected to fretting corrosion in high temperature pressurized water [J]. Corrosion science. 2023, 221, 111351. (SCI, 1區TOP)
[3] Bian W W, Lu Y H, Zhang X F, et al. Effect of fretting wear regimes on stress corrosion cracking of Alloy 690TT in high temperature pressurized water [J]. Corrosion science. 2024, 237, 112320. (SCI, 1區TOP)
[4] Bian W W, Lu Y H, Xin L, et al. The impact fretting corrosion behavior and damage mechanism of Inconel 690TT under different impact forces in high temperature pressurized water [J]. Corrosion science. 2024, 240, 112507. (SCI, 1區TOP)
[5] Kang L Z, Lu Y H, Bian W W, et al. Fretting corrosion running regime and damage mechanism evolution of zirconium alloy mated with Inconel 718 alloy in high temperature high pressure water environment [J]. Tribology International. 2024, 109553. (SCI, 1區TOP)
[6] Kang L Z, Lu Y H, Bian W W, et al. Fretting corrosion behavior and microstructure evolution of hydrided zirconium alloy under gross slip regime in high temperature high pressure water environment [J]. Corrosion science. 2025, 242, 112582. (SCI, 1區TOP)
[7] Xin L, Kang L Z, Bian W W, et al. The effect of displacement amplitude on fretting wear behavior and damage mechanism of alloy 690 in different gaseous atmospheres [J]. Materials 2021, 14(19), 5778-5778. (SCI, 3區)