葛鑫,男,出生于1984年07月,博士、講師,碩士生導師。2007年7月畢業于天津大學藥學院,獲藥學學士學位。2009年7月于天津大學藥學院獲藥物分析碩士學位。2011年赴韓國留學,師從韓國橡膠學會會長趙乙龍教授(Prof. Cho Ur Ryong)。2016年2月畢業于韓國技術教育大學(Korea University of Technology and Education)能源·材料·應用化學學院,獲應用化學工程博士學位(校級優秀學位論文)。2016年8月于萄京游戏716任教至今,主要從事有機彈性體、天然高分子複合材料方面的研究工作。目前已在複合材料及相關領域雜志發表高水平論文三十餘篇,其中一作和通訊作者16篇。長期擔任高分子及複合材料類SCI期刊《Journal of Applied Polymer Science》、《Polymer Composites》和《Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology》等雜志的審稿人。
2011年9月——2016年2月在韓國技術教育大學(Korea University of Technology and Education)應用化學工程專業攻讀博士學位。
工作經曆:2016年8月――至今 萄京游戏716材料與冶金學院複合材料與工程專業從事教學與科研工作。
科研項目:1.Development of surface treatment technology for manufacturing rubber roll with low friction for IT film production. (2014.6.1-2015.5.31) Small and Medium Business Administration.
2.Development of BTX free adhesive and tapes for mobile phone and TV. (2014.9.1-2015.8.31) Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
3.Development of 120℃ rating EPR based cable insulation material and marine cable. (2015.5.1-2016.4.30) Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.
(1) 葛鑫,孫鶴. 膨潤土丁腈橡膠複合材料的新型綠色工藝方法. 長春:吉林大學出版社,2020.
(2) Lichao Gu, Hao Nan, Ruiguang Xing, Gaofei Pan, Yufei Wang, Xin Ge*. Mechanical and thermal performances of styrene butadiene rubber nanocomposites with boron nitride nanosheets, carbon nanotubes, and the hybrid filler system. Polymer Composites, 2022, 44(1): 480-491. (SCI二區)
(3) Xin Ge*, Mingming Chang, Wei Jiang, Bangwen Zhang, Ruiguang Xing, Chaoke Bulin. Selective location of kaolin and effects of maleic anhydride in kaolin/poly(ε-caprolactone)/poly(lactic acid) composites. Applied Clay Science, 2020, 189: 105524.(SCI一區TOP期刊)
(4) Xin Ge*, Mingming Chang, Wei Jiang, Bangwen Zhang, Ruiguang Xing, Chaoke Bulin. Investigation on two modification strategies for the reinforcement of biodegradable lignin/poly(lactic acid) blends. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020, 137(44): e49354.
(5) Xin Ge*, Zhijian Zhang, Huitao Yu, Bangwen Zhang. The influences of silane coupling agents on rheological properties of bentonite/nitrile butadiene rubber nanocomposites during curing process. Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology, 2019, 25(3): 236-242.
(6) Xin Ge, Zhijian Zhang, Huitao Yu, Ur Ryong Cho*. Study on viscoelastic behaviors of bentonite/nitrile butadiene rubber nanocomposites compatibilized by different silane coupling agents. Applied Clay Science, 2018, 157: 274-282.(SCI一區TOP期刊)
(7) Xin Ge, Yinhang Zhang, Fei Deng, Ur Ryong Cho*. Effects of silane coupling agents on tribological properties of bentonite/nitrile butadiene rubber composites. Polymer Composites, 2017, 38(11): 2347-2357.
(8) Xin Ge, Fei Deng, Yinhang Zhang, Ur Ryong Cho*. Synergistic reinforcing effects of molybdenum disulfide and bentonite in rubber based nanocomposites. Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology, 2017, 23(S1): E211-E215.
(9) Xin Ge, Meichun Li, Ur Ryong Cho*. Novel one-step synthesis of acrylonitrile butadiene rubber/bentonite nanocomposites with (3-Mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane as a compatibilizer. Polymer Composites, 2015, 36(9): 1693-1702.
(10) Xin Ge, Meichun Li, Xiangxu Li, Ur Ryong Cho*. Effects of silane coupling agents on the properties of bentonite/nitrile butadiene rubber nanocomposites synthesized by a novel green method. Applied Clay Science, 2015, 118: 265-275.
(11) Xin Ge, Meichun Li, Ur Ryong Cho*. Fabrication of EPDM rubber/organo-bentonite composites: Influence of hydrochloric acid on the characteristics of modified bentonite and final products. Polymer-Korea, 2014, 38(1): 62-68.
(12) Zhijian Zhang, Xin Ge*, Ruiguang Xing, Bangwen Zhang*. Effects of different silane coupling agents on structure and properties of starch-chitosan-kaolin composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2019, 136(43): 48050.
(13) Wei Jiang, Xin Ge*, Bangwen Zhang, Ruiguang Xing, Mingming Chang. Different Influences of Two Peroxide Initiators on Structure and Properties of Poly(Lactic Acid). Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology, 2020, 26(4): 452-460.
(14) Yanan Li*, Bo Wang, Bangwen Zhang, Xin Ge, Chaoke Bulin, Ruiguang Xing*. Hydrophilic fluoro-functionalized graphene oxide/polyvinylidene fluoride composite films with high dielectric constant and low dielectric loss. Chemistry Select, 2019, 4(2): 570-575.
(15) Ruiguang Xing*, Ruihong Li, Xin Ge, Qiwei Zhang, Bangwen Zhang, Chaoke Bulin, He Sun, Yanan Li*. Synthesis of 1,3-dicarbonyl-functionalized reduced graphene oxide/MnO2 composites and their electrochemical properties as supercapacitors. RSC Advances, 2018, 8(21): 11338-11343.
(16) Bangwen Zhang*, Qian Wu, Huitao Yu, Chaoke Bulin, He Sun, Ruihong Li, Xin Ge, Ruiguang Xing. High-efficient liquid exfoliation of boron nitride nanosheets using aqueous solution of alkanolamine. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2017, 12(1): 596.
(17) Huitao Yu, Guoxiang Xin, Xin Ge, Chaoke Bulin, Ruihong Li, Ruiguang Xing, Bangwen Zhang*. Porous graphene-polyaniline nanoarrays composite with enhanced interface bonding and electrochemical performance. Composites Science and Technology, 2018, 154:76-84.
(18) Ruihong Li, Junli Li, Kaiyu Qi, Xin Ge, Qiwei Zhang, Bangwen Zhang*. One-step synthesis of 3D sulfur/nitrogen dual-doped graphene supported nano silicon as anode for Li-ion batteries. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 433: 367-373.
(19) Huitao Yu, Xin Ge, Chaoke Bulin, Ruihong Li, Guoxiang Xin, Banwen Zhang*. Facile fabrication and energy storage analysis of graphene/PANI paper electrodes for supercapacitor application. Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 253: 239-147.
(20) Chaoke Bulin, Huitao Yu, Xin Ge, Guoxiang Xin, Ruiguang Xing, Ruihong Li, Bangwen Zhang*. Preparation and supercapacitor performance of functionalized graphene aerogel loaded with polyaniline as a freestanding electrode. Journal of Materials Science, 2017, 52(10): 5871-5881.